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Hafa Adai parents, we've waited patiently for this pandemic situation to improve to where we could hold a physical event but it doesn't look like we'll be able to host one anytime soon. We still have a good amount of 2020 kits left from the first round of the virtual option during the summer and decided to offer a second round for those that may want to avail of their finisher kits. 

This year is ending and we don't know if we'll be allowed to host a race in March 2021. The likelihood of another date pushback is very high. We do not know. 


With this current situation, we are offering another Virtual Option / Exit for the 2020 Trench Kids race.

We will be opening 50 slots for new entries with 100% of the proceeds to go to our Charity Partner Special Olympics Guam.

You can sign up in our online store here: TK VIRTUAL SIGNUP


Registrants that have already participated in the first round of the Virtual option or those who have filed a claim on their Fanshield registration insurance for a refund will not be eligible to participate. 

For more information on some of the questions you may have about deferment, transfers or refunds you can check out the TK 2020 FAQ Page.

The physical event may be on hold, but that doesn't mean the racing challenge has to keep waiting. You can now take on the Kids 1/2 mile and 1 mile challenge from your own home! There are variations to suit every kind of social distancing obstacles that stand in your way. All finishers will receive their 2020 kit to include Finisher shirt and medal. All parents that have placed orders on matching shirts will be included at the Drive-Thru pickup scheduled for 12pm - 3pm  Saturday, January 16th at the GFA Harmon Soccer Field parking lot (DOCOMO Pacific Drive Thru).

*Pickup day moved from January 10th to 16th due to scheduling conflict.

Participants submitting from abroad will need to make shipping arrangements and depending on country or registration rate paid, the difference for postage may be required.


The Challenges:

AGES 4yr - 7yr old = distance HALF (1/2) MILE:


1/2 Mile Run + One 10 movement Option (Choose one option)



  • 10 alternating high knee claps

  • 10-foot forward bear crawl and back 

  • 10 double leg forward jumps

  • 10-second  plank hold

  • 10 military sit-ups

  • 10 Burpees

  • 10-second handstand hold  

  • Numbered 1-20 hopscotch (1-2-1 pattern)

  • 10-foot crab walk forward and back

  • 10 air squats



  • 10 forward arm circles/10 backward arm circles 

  • 10 shoulder raises

  • 10-second toe touches

  • 10-foot sit and stands

  • 10 leg raises

  • 10 water bottle arm curls (both arms)

  • 10 water bottle shoulder presses

  • 10 toe touches

  • 10 tummy twists

  • 10 burpees



AGES 8yr - 11yr old = distance ONE (1) MILE:

1 Mile Run + listed movements  

  • 10-foot forward and back bear crawls

  • 10 single leg forward jumps on left leg/10 forward jumps on right leg 

  • 15 military sit-ups

  • 10 burpees

  • 10-second handstand hold 

  • Numbered 1-20 hopscotch (1-2-1 pattern)  

  • 10-foot Frog Jumps 

  • 10 air squats

  • 15 lb odd object carry (2 gallon water jugs or equivalent), 10 feet forward and back

  • 10 cartwheels

  • 20 squat jumps

  • 10 push-ups

  • 10 leg raises

Workout / Obstacle can be completed at any time throughout the run. This means you can "stack" them and do them all at the beginning or end, spread them out throughout / between the run distance, or any other combination. There is No time cap. No penalties, Just get it done!

Having issues completing a movements? IT'S OK, encourage your child to attempt it and try their best! They'll still receive their kit for giving it their 100% 


Running Alternative:

ALTERNATE EXERCISES FOR RUNNING ARE AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO ARE CURRENTLY UNABLE TO RUN OUTSIDE. For all distances, the running alternative request is one minute of high knee jumping jacks before each workout/obstacle movement as well as one minute following the final workout/obstacle.

Result Submissions

December 20th till January 14th, 2021. Late submissions will not be accepted as we need time to process participants finisher kits.

You will submit your results to

Submissions need to include event registration information, and any proof that the movements were completed or attempted to the best of their ability. Examples include photos, social post screen shot or weblink (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo) or a cloud storage (Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud, WeTransfer) to a video, GPS app, Strava activity, or anything you have to verify you did it.

Do not attach videos to email as file may be too big to send.

If possible, send your submission to using the registration confirmation email from that you received. It  has all the information needed to confirm and verify participant and shirt size ordered.

If sending a new email, please include the participants first and last name, date of birth, category entered, and any other additional information that will help process Finisher Kits being prepared for pickup. We will not be able to change shirt sizes already reserved when participant registered for event. If you are a registered participant from abroad that had plans to travel here to race or a resident that is no longer on Guam, we can arrange mail delivery of your kit. Depending on country, the registration quantity, and rate paid, we may require additional funds to cover postage.

Finisher Kits

As mentioned, all finishers will receive their 2020 Trench / Ko'ko Kids Performance Polyester Shirt and Finisher Medal.

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